
Hi, It all started out many years ago (1993). I was laid off for the winter from my construction job. I seen an ad in the paper for EMT CLASS. Hey! what the heck, I have nothing else to do! 5 months later, I passed state test and applied at our my local EMS service. Hooked! The adrenaline rush when the pager went off! Helping people in their darkest hour. The teamwork and respect earned from those seasoned medics!
Few years later and it was nursing school. Had to have a job that would put me in the action all the time! Now working as RN at level 2 trauma center, in the ED of course! Wish I would have done it a long time ago. I work 3- 12 hr shifts a week. I still run ambulance duty part time. In my spare time i look for medical stuff on line. That is what started this whole web site! So hope you like the NEW LOOK for traumamedic.com
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